buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Jitender Kumar - AI & Web Developer style.css header class hero nav div JK class logo div class nav-links a Home href #home a Projects href #projects a Skills href #skills a Contact href #contact div class hero-content h1 Jitender Kumar p AI Developer & Web Engineering Specialist div class cta-buttons a View Projects class primary-button href #projects a Contact Me class secondary-button href #contact main section id about class about h2 About Me p I specialize in creating intelligent web solutions using AI and machine learning. With expertise in full-stack development and artificial intelligence, I build scalable applications that solve real-world problems. section id skills class skills h2 Technical Expertise div class skill-grid div class skill-card h3 Web Development p HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, Node.js div class skill-card h3 Artificial Intelligence p TensorFlow, PyTorch, Neural Networks div class skill-card h3 Machine Learning p Scikit-learn, Data Analysis, Model Training div class skill-card h3 Cloud & DevOps p AWS, Docker, CI/CD section id projects class projects h2 Featured Projects div class project-grid div class project-card h3 AI-Powered Web App p Developed an intelligent web application using TensorFlow.js a View Project class project-link href # div class project-card h3 ML Classification System p Built a machine learning system for image classification a View Project class project-link href # div class project-card h3 Responsive Portfolio p Created a modern, responsive portfolio website a View Project class project-link href # section id contact class contact h2 Get in Touch form class contact-form input type text placeholder Your Name required true input type email placeholder Your Email required true textarea placeholder Your Message required true button Send Message type submit class submit-button footer div class footer-content div class social-links a LinkedIn href a GitHub href a Twitter href p Built with passion by Jitender Kumar script.js